Investing in Safety

When you think about a safe business, you should consider more than safety as something you can provide for your workers at a cost to yourself. When done right, safety can make your workers safe and your business safer from a financial perspective. This transforms safety into a two-way street that seriously benefits your organization. This is safety culture, and investing in it is one of the safest moves a business can make.

Included in the Investing in Safety eBook:

  • A case study that shows the value of safety over time

  • How Direct and Indirect costs are calculated for workplace injuries

  • What price and value mean when talking about safety culture – reduction tactics

ebook cover of investing in safety

Case Study: Schneider Electric

Investing in safety isn’t buying high-vis jackets, at least on its own. it’s ongoing and involves a lot of reflecting on how your organization manages risk, protects employees, and actively works towards introducing incremental changes that can add up over time. Time and again, it’s been proven that investing in Safety has a measurable profit. For Schneider Electric, it was a sevenfold return on their annual investment. The return came as a radical reduction in annual costs that they didn’t even realize they were paying, again and again.

Keep it, use it, pass it around

We’ve put together all the information you’ll need to be able to decide on how best to bring safety culture in our eBook, Investing in Safety. We think it makes the strongest possible case for safety culture while taking the mystery and guesswork out of the real costs of workplace injuries. We know that you’ll be glad you took a look!